Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Grant Miller 70-ft Buzzer Shot

Grant Miller's Seventy-foot buzzer shot in Prospect Knights' win over Maine West at the Wheeling Hardwood Classic game Monday.

Prospect Knights boys basketball team beat the Maine West team 64-62 to advance to Thursday's Wheeling Hardwood Classic game at 3:45 p.m. The quarterfinal game will feature Prospect against Glenbrook South. Grant Miller scored the buzzer shot at the end of the Third Quarter right in front of the Maine West bench. He took one dribble and then threw like a catcher to rope the ball right in for a score -- probably a talent transferred from his skill as starting catcher for Prosect's sophomore baseball team last Spring. On a perfect line who no arc, the ball bolted through the basket from about 70 feet to put the Knights up 51-47.
Prospect and Maine West battled back and forth leads for the fourth quarter, but Prospect finished on top, 64-62.

Daily Herald Big shots helps Prospect edge Maine West

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